Ghana government fails to support Ghana Women's Team in Mali

Black Hoop Queens

It's been nine months since Ghana qualified for the 22nd Africa Womens Basketball Championship 2011 hosted by Mali and it's also been the same period within which the Ghana National Sports Authority has known about Ghana's qualification. But unfortunatly Ghana's participation in this prestigious tournament in Africa has fallen to the deaf ears of the Government of Ghana.

The Ghana Basketball Association has over the past years being amongst the victims of sporting authorities in Ghana that has being negleted by the Ghanaian government. There is always the excuse of there is no money whiles a sport like football or soccer as the Americans call it enjoy the full support of the Ghanaian government. All national teams including basketball is the sole responsibility of the Ghanaian government espercially in the area of funding official trips which includes qualifications and competitions but this currently is not the case in Ghana. This was very much evident in Ghana's participation in the just ended All African Games in Maputo were many sporting disciplines were dropped at the last minute of the trip. 

 Recently when the Ghanaian Women's National Team qualified for the 2011 Afrobasket the government of Ghana has never supported any official trip of any of the national basketball teams. This responsibility has rather being taken up by various individuals within the Ghana Basketball Association and its well wishers who have the game of basketball at heart and work and fight hard to bring a new wave of change within the Ghanaian Basketball scene. 

The 22nd Afrobasket Women's Championship 2011 in Bamako,Mali is finally here and the government of Ghana has failed to support the team to travel to Mali. The Ghana Women's National Team were scheduled to play Mali in the opening game on the 23rd September in Bamako, but due to the lack of financial support of the team the team wasn't able to make it to mali in time to take advantage of this great opportunity even though it looks intimidating playing the host on the first day. Fortunately for the intervention of FIBA Africa and the Malian Basketball Federation Ghana's first game has been pushed to the 3rd day of competition to give Ghana enough time to make it to Mali. Ghana after failling to make it to Mali on friday 23rd September is now scheduled to depart Ghana and arrive in Mali on Saturday 24th September in the evening. Which will mean the possibility of Ghana missing its now first game against Tunisia who have already lost against Mali in their opening game on Friday.

The Ghana Basketball Association would have not faced these challenges have the government of Ghana (Ministry of Youth and Sports & National Sports Authority) taken ownership and efficiently executed its responsibility of taking care of all national teams with no special attention on any particular sport.

Currently it has being various corporate bodies who have stepped in to help the Ghana Women's National team have a decent last minute camp preparation  as well as supporting the team to make the trip to Mali. Such corporate bodies that deserve acknowledgment include  Lizzy Sports Complex, Newmont Ghana, MTN, Afterseven Basketball Club, and Simavi Limited. Some media houses within the eleventh hour have also helped the team immensely in attracting sponsors they include Ghana Television (GTV) and Joy Fm. The Ghana Basketball has set itself to make this trip a reality and to use this trip to bring basketbal back on track in Ghana in the area of managment,marketing,competitions,promotion and national team building. The best step for the Ghana Basketball Association is to be autonomous and fend for its own development and promotion such as the Ghana Football Association currently is.      


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