KBF AGM 2011

The Kiribati Basketball Federation today (19th March, 2011) held its Annual General Meeting at the KNYC Maneaba adjacent to the Bairiki Courts.

The meeting was attended by a representative(s) from the different clubs on Tarawa. The meeting was very vital and key to the development of Basketball in Kiribati and turnout was more than what was expected - a sign that there is more keen interest in how the sport is developed from the clubs.

The Annual General Meeting agenda included reports from the President and Treasurer, a discussion on the budget for 2011, a plan for the KBF in 2011 as well an ammendment to the Constitution. However, of most important for the day was the election of office bearers.

For 2011 certain positions in the KBF Executive Board were due for elections as their term had expired. These positions are the President, Treasurer and two Directors. However, due to the accepted changes in the constitution the new position of Vice President was also in the election mix but for a term of one year only as the position would be up for election next year and then it would follow the cycle as outlined in the constitution.

Voting was conducted on a simple majority basis and by secret ballot. Those newly elected will join the other Executive Board members whose term are not up for relection so that the concept of continuity is maintained.

The KBF Executive Board Members are:

President:           Atiino Baraniko

Vice President       Nenetita Toare           

Secretary             Tokarei Rui

Treasurer        Tebataua Karotu

Director                   Kateiuea Tiaon

Director                Bwebwentau Iamti

Director                  Turia Tamwi

There were congratulatory remarks to the newly elected members of the KBF Executive and a vote of thanks to the former executive members on what they had acheived in 2010. The Federation would like to acknowledge previous Board Members for their outstanding contribution to the sport, Rota Onorio for taking a great responablity as Interim President and all his colleagues and executives.

The AGM was closed with a very positive outlook on what 2011 will bring. 

Congratulations! again to the new members of the KBF Executive and we all look forward to a positive and fruitful 2011!

Best wishes for the future, Te Mauri, Te Raoi ao Te Tabomoa (health, peace and prosperity).



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