JMR Group confirms sponsorship

The Managing Director for the JMR Group of Companies Mr Jeff Jong today confirmed its sponsorship for the KBF towards its competition due to start on Satruday the 9th of April 2011. In an email sent to the KBF Jeff Jong stated that the JMR Group would be indeed proud to be the major sponsor of the competition indicating the companys vision in promoting sport and healthy living. The competition envisaged by the KBF is a Champions League which will also form part of the KBF 2011 Independence Anniversary commitment towards the National day of celebrations.

The JMR Group has been a keen advocate of promoting the importance of sport and healthy living and through its engagement with the KBF on many levels has not only promoted itself as a company with a vision but also a company that gives back to the community and is also willing to invest in the community through the development of sports.

The KBF is indeed honoured and previlaged to have the support of the JMR Group.

Ko rabwa JMR!


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