KBF Grand Finals completed

On Tuesday 12/07/11, the Kiribati Basketball Federation was hit the finals with six teams game catecories such as Div 2 men, open men and women division.  The first round was hit from division 2 Men commencing from 2pm to 4pm, the second round was open women and together with open men at 6pm to 8pm.  During the game the federation also includes shootout competition with mix sexes, JSS and High School of best shooters.  The shootout draws performs in half time break alternatively.  Generally, teams came with their coaches, assistant coaches, officials and others. 

However, in relation with the total of participants there were over 600 spectators who came from different villages cheering for whom will be the champ for 2011.

CACL Champ 2011                                               CACL Runners up 2011

For DIV 2 Men - Moroni Warriors                DIV 2 Men - BTACY

Open Women - Shark Bate                       Open Women - EMB

Open Men - DC (Bik Dreams)                    Open Men - Joyce Shipping (Saints)

These teams will be holding their position for the next Inpendence league in 2012 and it is also a challege with other teams who are not qualifying in the knockout and finals matches, to work hard in their teams especially in finding weak plans and change it better.

Officials (Ref/Ump)                                                                  

Name Time Position
Sualiki   Ref
Kulene 2pm - 4pm Ump
Iotia   Ref
Riannaba 4pm - 6pm Ump


Teekea 6pm - 8pm Ump

Score Benches

Name Time Position
Seilosa   Score Keeper
Riannaba   Chairperson
Tekaoti 2pm Time Keeper
Anee   Time Keeper
Kulene   Score Keeper
Teresa 4pm Chairperson
Seilosa   Score keeper
Berenia   Time keeper
Riannaba 6pm Chairperson

The Federation and together with the major sponsor gives a word of thanks to all the basketball teams for their effort this year.  Hopefully, support and encouragement will be increase in team work, unity and self-respect.


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