Holiday Camp for young ballers!

The Holiday Basketball Camp for young boys and girls in the U14 and U16 category commenced on Wednesday the 30th Dec.  For the first day of training all boys and girls combined for a joint training session. After that the boys and girls were split up according to the following schedule. 

Date Time Gender Age Skills
Monday 7am - 8:30am Combine

 U14, U16

 Dribbling, Passing


7am - 8:30am


 U14, U16

 shooting, Pivoting


7am - 8:30am

3:30pm - 4:30pm





 ballhandling, defense


7am - 8:30am

3:30pm - 4:30pm





offense, dribbling 


7am - 8:30am

3:30pm - 4:30pm





 Lay up, passing

Saturday 7am - 10am competition combine genders



The training will be run for 4 weeks as of now more than 1 and a half week has gone by.  After one week of training a mixed gender competition was organised for the different categories.

The competition was sponsored by Air Kiribati which covered prizes for first place and second place team. The prizes included school stuff such as school bags, pencils, books to name a few. 


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