Betio BA Kicks off competition

Today the Betio Basketball Association kicked off its competition (18/02/12). Around 10 teams registered for the competition. The members of the teams varied in skill level with the teams having a mixture of experienced and novice players. Betio will be represented during the National Championships scheduled for the later half of the year and it is through the competition such as this that the Betio BA would be able to select the best to be part of its Team Betio to contest the Nationals. "The focus of the competition is to try and bring in more junior players into the mix and the most importantly it would give us the opportunity to identify potential players that would represent Betio in Te Runga 2012 (Nationals)" commented Bwebwentau Iamti. Regular updates on the competition will be posted on the KBF website.

The KBF wishes the BBA the best during their competition!!



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