KBF board Meeting

As usual KBF held board meetings in the last of the month date.  The meeting held on Monday 29th Oct, in the KNOC board at 5pm.  The purpose of the meeting is for the preparation of KBF next competition known as the Xmas Tournament and 2013 budget.  In attandence, 4 people were attending the meeting except 4 more to be show up that day to contribute.

The first discussion is on the preparation of competition which includes sponsorship, date of the competition to start, referees and officials, registration fees to be pay upon register, venues, uniforms, equipments and many more which can be fully ready.  At this time, KBF will include veterans to compete in their own level and together with others.  There are 3 age group to compete in the tournament such as; Open men & women, U20 men & women and veterans.

The second discussion is for the 2013 budget to be draft and submit to KNOC according to a due date.  The KBF delegate the NBDO to draft the budget and circulate to them to finalise it.  As of now the budget was completed NBDO and KBF and sent to KNOC SG officially on Tuesday 30th Oct as the closing date of submission will be on the 31st of October, Wednesday.

Hopefully, the budget submited in the right time and we congratulate KBF the effort and together with his assistant NBDO who his always there.


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