Triple S Championships....on the move!!

24th September 2014 - Teams from 7 schools came together for the opening of the Senior Secondary Schools Championships aka Triple S Championships. The day was opened by the KBF President - Mr Kautu Temakei and was witnessed by teachers from the different schools represented in the championships and by the media. In his speech the KBF President mentioned that "eventhough you are competing against each other for the honour of being Triple S Champion, this competition is also about getting to know other athletes from different schools making new friends and enjoying the spirit of competition" furthermore he added that "this competition is an important occassion in the KBF Calendar as it is that time when KBF picks and chooses its development squad from amongst the athletes competing".

The day started off with a formal opening which was conducted under the shade of the KNYC Maneaba and was followed by fun shooting games at the Bairiki Courts. Four matches were conducted that day which include 3 boys and 1 female pairs.

As the Championships coincide with school holidays the competitions will be held during the week and rather than the weekend only.

A mighty big thank you goes out to these companies - AUESA, TAOTIN and DC Trading for their contributions towards the successful opening of the Triple S Championships and also for the provision of funds for prizes and for various other contributions.

All the best in the competition!!!


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