U12 boys and girls in promoting National Womens Day

On Friday 7th - 8th ages of 9, 10 and 11 gathered together promoting womens day through basketball in two days competition.  Parents and some teachers from these school were came and support their kids. According to the game format introduced, 10 minutes time used to run in two halves game.  Officials from Bikenibeu Basketball Club has spent their time assist the day in officiating games and a few of them assist coach young kids in teams.  These young kids were playing in full court man to man in 10 minutes time allowing them to sub in every dead ball/by whistle blown from the referee.  During coaching clinics runs every Thursday afternoon the NBDO identify young top 8 players from each schools to compete in the womens day and that part of a preparation for teams before the upcoming inter primary school mid April.  The more competition runs the better knowledge/skills gain to these young kids.

In competition of the competition, some kids received t-shirt individually from the ministry of MWSA and together with two basketballs offered to each schools appreciating them for their participation in two days competition.

By NBDO Iotia Paul


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