Hoops for Health’s Mums a Hero program - promotes children's rights.

The program was delivered to communities in the Wara Wagol, 26 community, Ward 8, of Madang District: also in the Walium Usino-Bundi Gama District of Madang Province and in the Ukarumpa-Aiyura SIL Kainantu, EHP

With key messages about child protection and safeguarding, while encouraging and reminding mothers that they are valued and play an important role in their child's development.

Lucy Abel, a Walium participant, said:

“Through this program, I learned that children have rights and how I must fulfill my role as a mother. I also realized that as mothers, we are our children's first coach at home; And what we as mother’s invest in them, will be the result of what they become in the future”.

The main aim of the awareness was to protect and promote the rights and well-being of all children, regardless of gender, and to protect children from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, and discrimination, while having fun in a safe and inclusive environment.

The program has become a reality through the #HWHR Campaing, FIBA support and funding from Team Up under the Australian Governments sports for development program.


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