Local Competition GRADING -Tuesday 7th February

Week 2 of Grading starts this week.

Tuesday is a very busy evening for our School and Senior competitions. Due to the lack of courts for this week, some teams do not have a game scheduled and have a week off.

Managers should have received the schedule below.

5pm TSC Swallows v Bowerbirds Brickpit 1
5pm Sparks v Kangaroos K241 Brickpit 2
5pm TSC swifts v sapphires Brickpit 3
5pm Amazons v Kangaroos K242 Brickpit 4
5.40pm TSC Doves v WPH cats Brickpit 1
5.40pm TSC Robins v Kangaroos K252 Brickpit 2
5.40pm TSC Wrens v slamming sisters Brickpit 3
5.40pm Petals v lyrebirds Brickpit 4
6.20pm galaxy girls v Kangaroos K253 Brickpit 1
6.20pm Kangaroos  K251 v TSC Crystal angels Brickpit 2
6.20pm Kangaroos K261 v Aggies aqua Brickpit 3
6.20pm Big dipper v Ladybugs Brickpit 4
7pm Sabertooth tigers v Clutch city Brickpit 1
7pm Girltrotters v Kangaroos K265 Brickpit 2
7pm Wallaroos v TSC Angels Brickpit 3
7pm Diamond Pythons v Kangaroos K264 Brickpit 4
7.45pm TSC RAVENS v Kangaroos K194 Brickpit 1
7.45pm TSC BUZZERS v Rippers Brickpit 2
7.45pm Conquerors v Manties Brickpit 3
7.45pm Senate v Ruse sparks Brickpit 4
8.30pm FHB v Bricks Brickpit 1
8.30pm Raiders v Kangaroos K1103 Brickpit 2
8.30pm Monkeys v Alphas Brickpit 3
8.30pm Hawks v Pacers Brickpit 4
5.50pm Patriots  v Kangaroos K191 ABBOTSLEIGH 1
5.50pm Kangaroos K195 v Wahroonga adventist Grey ABBOTSLEIGH 2
5.50pm TSC PUMAS v Go betweens ABBOTSLEIGH 3
5.10pm Kangaroos Grade 9 v Kangaroos K192 PCYC
5.55pm TSC SWISH v wild things PCYC
6.40pm Gummi Bears v Kangaroos K1102 PCYC
7.25pm Lob city v Dime time PCYC
8.10pm le brontourage v Kangaroos K1104 PCYC
  No games      
  Kangaroos K262      
  Kangaroos K263      
  water my potatoes      
  Wayanbian warriors      
  CPS Black Panthers      
  Wahroonga Adventist pink      
  Kangaroos K231      


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