Chris Oliver Coaching clinic - Sunday 19th January

Heavily involved in NBA and NCAA in coaching and consulting roles, Chris' Basketball Decision Training program is used all over the world.  Unlike any other skill training program, this is specifically targeted towards decision making on court, and assisting coaches to help players achieve it too.

Chris Oliver is the founder of Basketball Immersion, the creator of the Basketball Podcast and will take you through all aspects of Zero Seconds Basketball Decision Training!

What is covered in the clinic:

  • Train the mind of players to make faster decisions within the practice environment.
  • Improve the ability to think and act in decisive ways.
  • Develop a confident attacking mindset.
  • Learn how to train your mind not just physical skills.
  • Improve your motivation for training through the use of rhythm.
  • Identification, cause and correction of the most common fundamental errors.
  • Knowledge of the skills necessary to catch, shoot, dribble and attack on offense.
  • Game-like understanding of the application of perimeter offensive skills.

Venue: Knox Grammar School, Wahroonga

Players skills clinic (ages 10 and above)
- 9:00am to 2:00pm (use BALLERSTORE10 to get 10% discount)

Coaches clinic
- 2:30pm to 4:
30pm (use BNSW50 to get 50% off for the last few spots as it will now be promoted and recorded by BNSW)

Click here to register


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