Local Competition GRADING - Wednesday 1st Feb

Welcome to all Teams for 2023 Season 1

The Managers of Teams that have entered have been sent information and the draw below for the first week of grading in advance.

For Teams on waiting lists, hopefully we will have an answer for you soon.

After approximately 2-3 weeks of grading and when the Divisions have been created you will be able to view the fixtures in the competitions section on our website.

Teams should not arrive more than 10 minutes before the game.


5pm Rebels v Magpies Brickpit 1
5pm Kangaroos K131 v Bilbies Brickpit 2
5pm School zone defence v VBA 08 Brickpit 3
5pm Newbee Worriers v Kangaroos K132 Brickpit 4
5.40pm Ballers Blue v Kangaroos K133 Brickpit 1
5.40pm VBA 09 v Skinks Brickpit 2
5.40pm VBA 10 v Megabats Brickpit 3
5.40pm Woylies v Wombats Brickpit 4
6.20pm Cicadas v Daredevils Brickpit 1
6.20pm Kangaroos K152 v Timberwolves Brickpit 2
6.20pm Iron men v Sugar gliders Brickpit 3
6.20pm Skywings v WPH Giants Brickpit 4
7pm Pythons  v Jo Hunters Brickpit 1
7pm Wings v Kangaroos K164 Brickpit 2
7pm Fast basket spinners v Penguins Brickpit 3
5.35pm SSBC Defenders v Kangaroos K142 Abbotsleigh 1
5.35pm Possums v Kangaroos K143 Abbotsleigh 2
6.15pm Newbee wild king v Kangaroos K141 Abbotsleigh 1
6.15pm Lizards v VBA 16 Abbotsleigh 2
6.55pm Newbee Wizards v VBA 14 Abbotsleigh 1
6.55pm Airballerz v Glaciers Abbotsleigh 2
7.35pm Big max  v Kangaroos K163 Abbotsleigh 1
7.35pm Marlins  v Zig zaggers Abbotsleigh 2
5.45pm Iguanas v VBA 11 BARKER 3
5.45pm  Ballers White v Kangaroos K144 BARKER 4
5.45pm Geckos v VBA 12 BARKER 5
6.25pm Ballers Red v Grasshoppers BARKER 1
6.25pm Buffalo v Zephyrs BARKER 2
6.25pm Nets  v Phantom boyz BARKER 3
6.25pm Kangaroos K154 v VBA 15 BARKER 4
6.25pm Thunderstruck v Kangaroos K151 BARKER 5
7.05pm Hoop Kings v Kangaroos K153 BARKER 1
7.05pm Wahroonga Adventist maroon v Backcourt boys BARKER 2
7.05pm Shemozzles v VBA 18 BARKER 3
7.05pm Raining 3s v Sun bears BARKER 4
7.05pm X men  v Kangaroos K162 BARKER 5
7.45pm Wahroonga adventist green v Blackhawks BARKER 1
7.45pm Wasps  v Alligators BARKER 2
7.45pm Kangaroos K161 v Baskeroos BARKER 3
7.45pm Packers v Finis BARKER 4
7.45pm Wahroonga adventist Blue v VBA 17 BARKER 5


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