WBA Update Coronavirus COVID-19






(13 MARCH 2020)

The current position of BWA and the WBA is that domestic competitions and basketball activities should continue to operate as usual, we are monitoring the situation daily and will advise if this situation changes due to the relevant authorities providing us with any further direction. Australia’s Chief Medical Officer has indicated gatherings of more than 500 people should be avoided as of Monday the 16th of March. Facility management Venueswest, have informed us that the 500-person restriction will apply to each enclosed area of the facility. i.e – Courts 1-4, 500 people and 5-7, 500 people etc. As of Monday, we will be monitoring entrance numbers into each area. We are conscious of the need to monitor any developments with COVID-19 and will act in accordance with the advice from the relevant authorities.

Existing domestic competitions will continue as normal over this weekend and we will review the situation again early next week and keep the basketball community informed.

There is a possibility that we may as an industry delay, postpone or reschedule games in the coming weeks if the situation in WA changes from a health perspective. If required, this will be done under advice from the relevant authorities.

The WBA will provide additional information to our members as it becomes available and will keep our community updated on any disruptions to the delivery of regular programs or events, should they occur. The health and well-being of our participants is our highest priority, but it is important that people remain calm and act on the best health advice available.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT DUE TO HIGH DEMAND THE WBA MAY NOT BE ABLE TO RESPOND TO INDIVIDUAL ENQUIRIES. Please follow our website, social media and check your email for updates as it comes to hand. We will keep all Domestic clubs informed on all matters in relation to this.


All of our Members and Clubs should stay up-to-date with advices issued by the Department of Health https://healthywa.wa.gov.au regarding COVID-19. You can also call the WA Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

Any participants who have been in contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 case must not attend any training sessions, games, trials, events or other activities conducted by BWA or any affiliated BWA Associations or Clubs until 14 days after exposure to the infected individual, providing they do not show Coronavirus symptoms.

We will continue to provide information as it comes to hand.


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